Seattle Wolves Hockey Club


       Wolves score board
WOLVES  10  2 0 20
           Wolves  Stats
G G/F G/A  G.A.A
 12    97    29 2.41
                                         To find out about the "c" team hold on this is the first year and as soon as we know more well let you know.


All games are played at Sno-King ice arena in Lynwood. (425)755-7511
Opponent Date/Time Winner Score Week
U.W Oct- 4 Wolves 12-1 #1
Chiefs Oct- 8 Wolves 8-6 #2
Bullets Oct- 18 Wolves 5-4 #3
Grizzlies Oct-22 Wolves 5-2 #4
Seattle U Oct-29 Wolves 7-3 #5
Wings Nov-7 Wings 7-3 #6
Grizzlies Nov-12 Wolves 12-3 #7
U.W Nov-21 11:20 Wolves 11-0 #8
bullets Nov-26    7:15 Bullets 5-4 #9
Seattle U Dec-3      8:45 Wolves 6-3 #10
Grizzlies Dec-10    8:45 Wolves 9-0 #11
Team X Dec-17    5:45 wolves 10-1 #12
Red Tide Jan-7       7:15 . . #13
Wings Jan-16  11:20 . . #14
Flinkn Dinlk Jan-21    7:15 . . #15
Chiefs Jan-28    5:45 . . #16
Isotopes Feb-4    10:15 . . #17
Chiefs Feb-13  11:20 . . #18
Team X Feb-18    8:45 . . #19
Bears Feb-27  11:20 . . #20
Bullits Mar-3       5:45 . . #21
Seattle U Mar-10  10:15 . . #22
Isotopes Mar17     7:15 . . #23
Red Tide Mar -26  11:20 . #24
Grizzlies Mar-31     8:45 . . #25
Flinkn Dinlk Apr-8     11:00 . . #26
Bears Apr-14   10:15 . . #27