

Wolves Leagues
Monday Night Hockey
Calendar 2001
Other Wolf Info
Tournament Pictures
Wolf Sports

     This page is dedicated to the "Wolf" that shows he deserves ,at any Wolf function or road trip, to wear  the shoesBOOZY will be voted  by the members that are present at that Wolf function.  The new BOOZY will wear, or bring the shoes to the next Wolf function or road trip.                                                       

Road Trips Name:    -------       Functions   Name:
Eugene"99"  Kelly Christmas "00"
Eugene"00"  Billy St Patricks "01" Billy
Hope"99   Dr.Hook St Patricks "02" Wolves
Hope"00" Erik Lenz Wolves10th"02" Dave B
Hope"01" Billy Christmas "03" Ted P
Hope"02" Andrey
Hope 04 Berry
AUSTRALIA"99" Erik Lenz
CHICAGO"00" Hayseed
Victoria"01" Joe Z
Victoria"02" Billy
Victoria"03" Kelly
Victoria 04 Bob
 Victoria 05 Jilly
Vancouver "01" Wade
Vancouver "02" Billy
Vancouver "03"
Vancouver 04
 Vancouver 05 Billy&Gavin
Cilliwack "01" Glen"GG"
Cilliwack "02" Glen"GG"
Spokane "02" Jesse
Whistler "02" HOOK JR




Wolves Gear