

Wolves Leagues
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Calendar 2004
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Travel and Tournament History Page

Kingsgate USA Hockey 19 and over 1998

GSHL Seattle Tournament "A"Champs 2002

Vancouver Labatt Blue regional champions 2002.Boozy Billy Vancouver Labatt Blue regional champions 2005.Boozy Gavin

Chillawack CARHA Champs 35 and over 2002.Boozy Glenn"GIGI"

Pacific Cup Victoria 30 and over 2002.Boozy Billy

Whistler 19and over Summit  Series 1 2002.Boozy Hook Jr

CARHA Wold Cup Champs Ottawa 35 and over 2004.Boozy The Sweed

Zoetermeer Netherlands  Tournament champs 2001.Boozy Fook Face

Wolves in Austraila 1999.Boozy Eric

Wolves  Win in Vancover 2005:  The wolves finally get back on the winning track with a tourney win at the Labatt Blue regional championships in North Vancouver.After the last two road trips a 0-6 record and a bunch of back outs It didn't look good but the boys pulled it together for a much needed win.Gavin put on a impressive show for his rookie road trip.

Tourney results: Boozy (Tie) Billy and Gavin

Quote of the weekend: Billy "IM going to call in my mail in vote"
close second "IM going to milk you like a snake"

New nick name: Gavin - "Puddles" or "Splatters"

A-Wolves place 3rd in Whistler 2005:  The wolves went 2-1 in Whistler but did not advance to the finals.Only the top two teams made it and they went 3-0.The Wolves outscored the other teams 17-5. Heavy D led the way with back-to-back shutouts!Solid defensive play by Polyak, Jesse, Big Dan, and George helped shut things down.Lalier (hat trick), Miller, and new addition, Scotty Reynolds led the way on offense. Cuppy chipped-in with 1 goal and three assists.
Jeremy did his usual great job making Miller look good! Good times, lots of laughs, and a "little" bit of booze!



Wolves tournament Championships 

Kingsgate USA Hockey 19and over 1998

Yakima 4on4 1998

Labatt Blue regional championships 2002,2005

Chillawack CARHA Champs 35 and over 2002

Pacific Cup Victoria 30 and over 2002

Whistler 19and over Summit Series 1 2002

GSHL Seattle Tournament Champs 2002

Zoetermeer Netherlands Tournament champs 2001

CARHA Wold Cup Champs Ottawa 35 and over 2004

Other Wolves road  trips


Australia 1999

Eugen 1999,2000

Chicago 2000